Sunday, January 2, 2011

Fusion Hanbok (Men)

I finally found some fusion hanbok for men!
I hope you enjoy them!
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find much...
But I hope you still enjoy them!

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Fusion Hanbok

Fusion hanbok is a modernized hanbok to make it easier to wear and fit the fashion taste buds of the young people of the 21st century.

It is sometimes called as Hanbok Dress, because it resembles a Western dress more than Korean traditional costume.

I will show you lists and lists of pictures of Fusion Hanboks, so enjoy!

Hanbok (wedding) dress

Fusion Hanboks are mainly concentrated on girls and women, becaus of its other name, hanbok dress. That's why most Hanbok designers decide to design dresses for girls only.
Hanbok dress of Fusion Hanbok for men is very rare, and can mostly be found in couple or family Fusion Hanboks. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Traditional Hanbok

Hanbok is the traditional dress of Korea.

Everyone knows kimono and yukata of Japan,

and everyone knows cheongsam and qipao of China.

If i asked anyone to choose 2 of the pictures above, most would probably choose qipao and kimono.
Their excuses would be "Hanbok is too plain, and it doesn't seem oriental enough." or anything similar to that.

That's probably why peopl have so little interest and information about them.
But really, there are many hanboks that are not so plain, and not known to foreigners.
Below, I'll show you all kinds of traditional hanboks.

First, women's:

 Queen's attire at the
beginning of Joseon Dynasty 

 Queen's attire at the end of
Joseon Dynasty

Special Occasion for Queen

 Female artists' clothings

Traditional Wedding Dress

Then the men's:

King's Clothes

Special Occasion for King

King's Outing Attire

Admiral's Armour

Clothes for Admiral
With the Highest Position

Scholar's Attire

What you've seen is a list of TRADITIONAL Korean dresses.
There are even more different kinds of clothings, but if I included all of them, it would be too much for you to see (and for me to search).
Now, I hope that all viewers know the that hanboks are also elaborate like kimono and qipao, and that it is different from those.

In my next post, I'll show you guys FUSION hanboks, also known as hanbok dresses.
They are hanboks that were modernized to make it easier to wear, and to fit the fashion tastes of the young people.
See you in my next post~